Corneal Procedure



Corneal Disease and Scar Treatment

Your cornea is the first thing the light hits when it reaches your eye—a transparent bulbous structure, which acts as your eyes’ outermost lens. With the iris, pupil, and lens’s help, it helps focus light onto the retina and contributes most to clear vision. At New York Ophthalmology…

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What are Some Common Eye Problems?

There are some eye problems you will experience as you age. Most of them can be treated if detected early. Let’s find out what these problems are and how they cause damage to your eyes. Presbyopia – If you’re experiencing loss of vision while reading or looking at an object close to you, you might have a disorder known as Presbyopia. Having headaches or tired eyes…

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New York Ophthalmology: Welcome to Our Family

While we often discuss procedures and answer common eye care questions on this blog, we want to take a moment here to share our story as a practice: From how we began to what makes our patient care outstanding. At New York Ophthalmology, we are proud to provide those looking for an ophthalmologist in New York City…

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